Cameras, and the production of the spectacle
All of these photos are screenshots from the YouTube videos used to generate the previous sequence of rescuing a little girl from underneath the rubble. In YouTube footage of large sites of destruction where members of the community and the Syrian Civil Defense gather, I have been able to gather some insight into the production of the spectacle. For example, it is easy to spot the cameras that different people are using, and to match the camera with the quality of video that is published on YouTube. From there, I can distinguish from one video from Halab News Network, for example, who the other photographers are at the scene, and what their corresponding YouTube networks are.
ocasionally, the absurdity of the media's self-representation
as purveyor of reality and immediacy broke through,
in moments such as those when th CNN cameras
crossed live to a group of reporters assembled somewhere in the Gulf,
only to have them confess that they were also
sitting around watching CNN in order to find out what was happening."
Baudrillard, The Gulf War Did Not Take Place, 2