Syrian Hero Boy, or On Falsification
One example is the case of a short clip that went viral on YouTube entitled Syrian Hero Boy by Norweigan filmmaker Lars Klevberg. The short film was originally published under the name "Syrian boy rescues girl from under gunfire", however Klevberg soon realized that this title will not be popular, and he deleted the video and republished it under its current title, Syrian Hero Boy, which speaks to the algorithm. Klevberg had recived a small grant from the Norweigan Film Institute, and had made a film of a young boy who rescues a girl while under gunfire, supposedly in Syria. Klevberg's intention was to spur debate about the targetting of innocent children in the war in Syria. However, after the film was revealed to be a haux filmed in Malta, SANA, the Syrian regiemes official news agency released a statement pointing out the case of the Norweigan filmmaker, and declaring that all the footage coming out of Aleppo is a media conspiracy.